1.       Ali Raza Bhuta is the current Secretary Petroleum division.

2.       Current Federal Minister of Parliamentary Affairs of Pakistan is Babar Awan(21)

3.       Current special assistant to PM on National Security Policy Planning is Dr. Moeed Yusuf.(21)

4.       Current Federal Minister for Maritme affairs is Syed Ali Haider Zaidi.(21)

5.       Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood visited Belgium from 6 to 8 Dec, 2021.

6.       Current FM of Energy division of Pakistan is Hammad Azhar.(21)

7.       Sardar Abdul Qayyum Niazi becme the 13th Prime minister of Azad Jammu & Kashmir.

8.       Current Chairman of National Commission for Minorities is Chela ram kewlani.

9.       Current Chairman of China Pakistan Economic Corridor Authority is Khalid Mansoor.

10.   Sardar Abdul Qayyum Niazi  AJ &K prime minister belongs to Poonch District.

11.   Barrister Sultan Mehmood  is the current 10TH  President of AJ & K.

12.   Justice Naeem Akhtar Afghan is the current Chief Justice of Balochistan High Court.

13.   Nawabzada Shahzain Bugti has been appointed as SAPM on Reconciliation and Harmony in Balochistan with the status of Federal Minister.

14.   Moonis Elahi is the present Federal Minister for water resources.

15.   Fahmida Mirza is Inter Provincial Coordination Minister.

16.   Asad Umar is the federal minister of planning and development.

17.   Qasim Suri is the present Deputy Speaker of National Assembly of Pakistan.

18.   Azam Khan Swati is federal minister of Railway.

19.   Pervez Khattak is the defence minister of Pakistan.

20.   Farrukh Habib has been appointed as State Minister  for Information and broadcasting.

21.   Omar Ayub Khan is the current minister of Economic Affairs of Pakistan.

22.   Shibli Faraz  is the minister of Science and technology.

23.   Makhdum Khusro Bakthyar is the current FM of  Industries and Production.

24.   Shaukat Tareen is the Finance Minister of Pakistan.

25.   Wasim Shahzad is the present Leader of the house in Senate of Pakistan.

26.   Mirza M Afridi  is a Deputy Chairman of the Senate of Pakistain, He belongs to Khyber district.

27.   Ijaz Ahmed Shah is the minister of Narcotics control of Pakistan.

28.   172 VOTES are needed by Prime minister to win the confidence of the vote.

29.   Malik Amir Dogar is the current minister of state for political affairs.

30.   Zartaj gul is the minister of Climate Change .

31.   Tariq Bashir Cheema  is the minister of housing and works.

32.   Mirza Shazad Akbar is adviser to PM on accountability.

33.   Dr. Sania Nishtar is Special Assistant to PM on Poverty Alleviation.

34.   Raoof Hassan has replaced Asim Saleem Bajwa  as Special Assistant to PM on information.

35.   Abdul Razaaq Dawood  is the advisor to PM on Commerce, Textile, Industry, Production and investment.

36.   Ghulam Sarwar is the minister for Aviation of Pakistan.

37.   Syed Amin Ul Haque is the FM of Information technology and telecommunication.

38.   Dr. Ishrat Hussain is the advisor to PM on Institutional reforms and austerity.

39.   Malik Amin Aslam is the advisor to PM on climate change.

40.   Dr. Faisal Sultan is special assistant to PM (SAPM) on health.

41.   Zubaida Jalal is the minister of defence production.

42.   Sahibzada M Mehboob Sultan is minister of state and frontier region ( saffron).

43.   Tabish Gauhar is special assistant to pm on power.

44.   Murad Saeed is the minister of state for communication.

45.   Dr. Waqar Masood is special assistant to PM on revenue.

46.   Shireen Mazari is the minister of human rights.


47.   Pakistan's share in global exports is? (0.13%)

48.   "Chashma Barrage" is constructed on which river? ( Indus River)

49.   "Indus Water Basin Treaty" was signed between Pakistan and India in? (19-sep, 1960). Indus Waters Treaty, treaty, signed on September 19, 1960, between India and Pakistan and brokered by the World Bank. The treaty fixed and delimited the rights and obligations of both countries concerning the use of the waters of the Indus River system.

50.   Which city out the following has the highest mean annual rainfall? ( Murree) Total mean precipitation annually is 1,789 mm (70.4 in).murree receives around 62.6 inches of snow per year according to a 13-year data.

51.   Who was the only Vice-President in the history of Pakistan? ( Nur ul Amin) Nurul Amin, referred to as the Patriot of Pakistan, was a prominent Pakistani leader, and a jurist. He is noted as being the last Bengali leader of Pakistan.

52.   The 1965-Indo-Pak war continued for? ( 17 days)

53.   Who was the last Governor General of Pakistan? ( Iskanader Mirza) Sahibzada Iskander Ali Mirza; 13 November 1899 – 13 November 1969, CIE, OSS, OBE, was the first President of Pakistan, elected in this capacity in 1956 until being dismissed by his appointed army commander General Ayub Khan in 1958.

54.   The National Assembly of Pakistan consist of how many members? (342)    Punjab - 183
Sindh - 75 -
KPK - 43
Balochistan - 17
FATA -12
Federal Capital - 2
Total – 342

55.    Which out of the following countries is not a member of SAARC? ( Burma) Founded: December 8, 1985, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Headquarters: Kathmandu, Nepal
List of SAARC member countries (8)
Afghanistan. Bangladesh. Bhutan. India. Maldives. Nepal Pakistan. Sri Lanka.

56.   "Al-Taqseem Square" is situated in? ( Istanbul) The word Taksim means "division" or "distribution". The Taksim square was originally the point where the main water lines from the north of Istanbul were collected and branched off to other parts of the city (hence the name.) This use for the area was established by Sultan Mahmud I.

1.       "White Flag" is known as a symbol for? ( Peace ) Origin. The first mention of the usage of white flags to surrender is made during the Eastern Han dynasty china (AD 25–220). In the Roman Empire, the historian Cornelius Tacitus mentions a white flag of surrender in AD 109. ... The white flag was widely used in the Middle Ages in Western Europe to indicate an intent to surrender

2.       "The Sole Spokesman" was authored by? ( Ayesha Jalal) Ayesha Jalal is a Pakistani-American historian who serves as the Mary Richardson Professor of History at Tufts University and was the recipient of the 1998 MacArthur Fellow. Wikipedia
Ayesha Jalal's Books
The state of martial rule
The sole spokesman
Democracy and authoritarianism in South Asia
Nationalism, democracy, and development
Self and sovereignty individual and community in South
Asian Islam since 1850
The struggle for Pakistan

3.       The position of a gene on chromosome is called? ( Locus )  In biology, a gene is a sequence of DNA or RNA that codes for a molecule that has a function. During gene expression, the DNA is first copied into RNA.

4.       Cellulose is the major component of? ( Primary Wall)

5.       Percentage of proteins in cell membrane is? (60%-80%)

6.       Who opposed the idea the cell is an empty space bounded by thick wall?? ( Robert Brown ) Robert Brown was a Scottish botanist and palaeobotanist who made important contributions to botany largely through his pioneering use of the microscope

7.       Who coined the term CELL?? ( Robert Hook) Robert Hooke FRS was an English natural philosopher, architect and polymath.
Born: July 28, 1635, Freshwater, United Kingdom
Died: March 3, 1703, London, United Kingdom
Nationality: English
Known for: Hooke's law; Microscopy; Coining the word 'cell'

8.       Which one is a micromolecule?? ( ATP ) ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is a nucleotide that contains a large amount of chemical energy stored in its high-energy phosphate bonds. It releases energy when it is broken down (hydrolyzed) into ADP (or Adenosine Diphosphate). ... Hence, ATP is considered as the universal energy currency for metabolism.

9.       Oxygen accounts for ____ % of totals human body mass:? ( 65% ) Elements in the Human Body
Oxygen (O) - 65%
Carbon (C) - 18%
Hydrogen (H) - 10%
Nitrogen (N) - 3%
Calcium (Ca) - 1.5%
Phosphorus (P) - 1.0%
Potassium (K) - 0.35%

10.   The study of fossils is called:? ( Palaeontology)

11.   Gametes in animals are produced by? ( Mitosis)

12.   Which method is of asexual reproduction? (Sporulation, Fission, Apomixis )  Sporulation is the formation of nearly dormant forms of bacteria . In a limited number of bacteria, spores can preserve the genetic material of the bacteria when conditions are inhospitable and lethal for the normal (vegetative) form of the bacteria.

13.   In asexual reproduction, offspring are produced by? ( Mitosis) Meiosis has two rounds of genetic separation and cellular division while mitosis only has one of each. In meiosis homologous chromosomes separate leading to daughter cells that are not genetically identical. In mitosis the daughter cells are identical to the parent as well as to each other.

14.   Carbohydrates, fats & proteins are essential for:? (Metabolic processes of an organism, Providing energy, Formation of structures )

15.   How many steps are there of enzyme action?? ( 04) 1. The enzyme and the substrate are in the same area.
2. The enzyme grabs on to the substrate at a special area called the active site.
3. A process called catalysis happens.
4. The enzyme releases the product.

16.   A cofactor made of inorganic ion which is detachable is called? ( Activator) a substance (other than the substrate) whose presence is essential for the activity of an enzyme.

17.   Which one forms the raw material for coenzymes?? ( Vitamins ) Coenzymes are small molecules. They cannot by themselves catalyze a reaction but they can help enzymes to do so. In technical terms, coenzymes are organic nonprotein molecules that bind with the protein molecule (apoenzyme) to form the active enzyme (holoenzyme).

18.   What percentage of light reaching the earth is used in photosynthesis? ( 01%) Of all the energy that does reach Earth, slightly less than 34 percent is reflected back to space by clouds. The Earth itself reflects another 66 percent back to space. Less than one percent of the total energy that reaches Earth is used by plants for photosynthesis.

19.   The major constituent of blood plasma is? ( Water )  Blood plasma is a yellowish coloured liquid component of blood that normally holds the blood cells in whole blood in suspension; this makes plasma the extracellular matrix of blood cells. It makes up about 55% of the body's total blood volume.

20.   Double fertilization occurs in? ( Angiosperms ) Like gymnosperms, angiosperms are seed-producing plants. However, they are distinguished from gymnosperms by characteristics including flowers, endosperm within the seeds, and the production of fruits that contain the seeds.

21.   One-celled green ptotists are included in? ( Algae)

22.   The one which can tolerate the highest external osmotic pressure? ( Fungi ) Most bacteria, algae and fungi have rigid cell walls that allow them to tolerate and even enjoy a somewhat hypotonic environment.

23.   The unicellular organisms ingest large molecules into their cytoplasm from the external environment without previously digesting them. This process is called? ( Phagocytosis)

24.   Cellular digestion is associated with which organelle? ( Lysosomes) Lysosomes are membrane-enclosed organelles( found in nearly all animal cells) that contain an array of enzymes capable of breaking down all types of biological polymers—proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids.

25.   Maximum number of species of living things on earth are? ( Insects ) There are more than 1 million species of insects that have been documented and studied by scientists. And the total number of documented species of living organisms at the present time is probably about 2.5 million. So insects represent about 40% of all known living species!. Insects or Insecta (from Latin insect) are hexapod invertebrates and the largest group within the arthropod phylum.

26.   The one which is present in all living things? ( DNA or RNA) DNA is a long polymer with deoxyriboses and phosphate backbone. Having four different nitrogenous bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. RNA is a polymer with a ribose and phosphate backbone. Four different nitrogenous bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil.

27.   Of the following metals, the best conductor of electricity is? ( Silver ) Silver also has the highest thermal conductivity of any element and the highest light reflectance. Although it is the best conductor, copper and gold are used more often in electrical applications because copper is less expensive and gold has a much higher corrosion resistance.

28.   With reference to pencil lead, what do the letters HB stands for? ( Hard Black )

29.   Which creatures are kept in an aviary? ( Birds) Birds are kept in an aviary. An apiary (also known as a bee yard) is a location where beehives of honey bees are kept

30.   Which of these features on a cricket pitch? ( Crease)

31.   Which of these are a term applied to a useless possession? ( White Elephant)

32.   The region is known, as Snowdonia is located in which country? ( Wales ) Snowdonia is a region in northwest Wales concentrated around the mountains and glacial landforms of massive Snowdonia National Park.

33.   What is the name of the unit equivalent to one nautical mile? ( Knot ) The knot (/nÉ’t/) is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour, exactly 1.852 km/h (approximately 1.15078 mph). The ISO standard symbol for the knot is kn. The same symbol is preferred by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); kt is also common.

34.   Jet is a shad of which colour? ( Black ) Jet. The color jet, also called jet black, is a representation of the color of the mineraloid jet.

35.   Which colour has a shade called 'pillar box'? ( Red ) Named after the post office boxes in the UK, this colour is lighter and more chromatic than Rock 'N' Roll Red

36.   Which colour is traditionally associated with the Conservative Party? ( Blue) In the United Kingdom (excluding Northern Ireland), the Conservative Party uses blue, the Labour Party uses red and the Liberal Democrats use gold and orange. The right-wing populist UK Independence Party has chosen to use the non-aligned colour purple.

37.   Which of these is a type of insect? ( Earwig ) Earwigs make up the insect order Dermaptera. With about 2,000 species in 12 families, they are one of the smaller insect orders

38.    In sport, which of these phrases means each side has the same member of points or goals? ( All Square)

39.   Which Australian mammal is described as 'duck-billed'? ( Platypus)

40.   Which part of the body make another name for weaponry? ( Arms)

41.   Which stringy item is used to clean between the teeth? ( Dental Floss) Dental floss a soft thread of floss silk or similar material used to clean between the teeth.

42.   Which of these is a method of photographic bones? ( X-Rays)

43.   Which of these words refers to expensive or to top quality goods? ( Up Market)

44.   What does someone do with his head to indicate 'no'? ( Shake) Swivel: turn around a point or axis or on a swivel.

45.   Which London street is the home of Prime Minister? ( Downing Street) 10 Downing Street, colloquially known in the United Kingdom as Number 10, is the headquarters of the Government of the United Kingdom and the official residence and office of the First Lord of the Treasury, a post which, for much of the 18th and 19th centuries and invariably since 1905, has been held by the Prime minister

46.   According to the proverb, which city was not built in a day? ( Rome) Proverb: Rome wasn't built in a day

47.   Which of these is a nickname for an American? ( Yank) The term "Yankee" and its contracted form "Yank" have several interrelated meanings, all referring to people from the United States; its various senses depend on the context. Outside the United States, "Yank" is used informally to refer to any American, including Southerners.

48.   Recently in April 2020, in which country flogging is replaced by fines or imprisonment?? ( KSA)

49.   United States has renewed wavier for Iraq to import electricity from which ________country?? ( IRAN)

50.   What is the name of the crona virus app launched by the Australian government that helps health officials detect people infected with the novel Coronavirus.? ( CovidSafe)

51.   Rishi Kapoor died at the age of _____after a long battle with cancer.? ( 67)

52.   On Apr 28, 2020 the 11th Petersberg Climate Dialogue was held virtually in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic for the first time. It was co-chaired by__________??  ( Germany & England)

53.   The largest hole in the Ozone layer spreading over 1 million square kilometers above the Arctic has closed due to unusual atmospheric conditions. The hole in Ozone was first identified by scientists in_________??  ( March 2020)

54.   On Apr 30,2020 which European country banned Hezbollah and designated it as a terrorist organisation?? ( Germany)

55.   The committee for a Responsible Federal Budget is projecting the US budget deficit to exceed________this year.? ( 3.8 Trillion Dollar)

56.   What is the new official name of the NASA’s Mars Helicopter?? (Ingenuity)

57.   Which country announced a ban on 1500 kinds of assault weapons on May 1st,2020?? ( Canada)

58.   Bernie Sanders suspended his presidential campaign , clearing the way for Joe Biden to become the Democratic Party’s nominee on?? ( 8-apr,2020)

59.   Jack Dorsey, Twitter co-founder pledged $1 billion for cronavirus relief, which makes approximately___________% of his wealth.? ( 28%)

60.   Which country’s foreign ministry has launched FM-DIRECT app for promoting exchange of ideas within ministry?? (Pakistan)

61.   Recently, which country was denounced by the UNSC Members (Britain, Estonia & Germany) for lack of accountability after being accused of conducting chemical weapons attack in 2017?? ( Syria)

62.   Which country conducted elections during pandemic in April 2020?? ( South Korea)

63.   In Apr, 2020 Which country ended the death penalty for people who committed crimes while still minors?? ( KSA)

64.   According to the annual report of SIPRI released on Apr 27,2020 which country spent 8.8% of its GDP on military-the highest in the world?? (Oman)

65.   Indian film actor Irfan Ali Khan died at the age of _______ years?? (  53)

66.   Indian film actor Irfan Ali Khan died on _______?? ( 29-Apr, 2020)

67.   Indian film actor Irfan Ali Khan died at the age of 53 due to _______?? ( Colon Infection)

68.   The official name of the virus causing the COVID-19 given by WHO is_________?? ( SARS-CoV 2)

69.   Which two countries have been banned from participating in Tokyo Olympics in weightlifting competition by IWF on disciplinary grounds?? ( Malaysia and Thailand)

70.   “The Cockroach,” a satirical new Brexit novella, is authored by____________?? (Ian McEwan)

71.   China to host 3rd Asian Youth Games in Shantou from_________?? ( 20-Nov,2021)

72.   Leonardo Dicaprio, the Hollywood star recently launched a coronavirus fund by the name of________?? ( America’s Food Fund)

73.   In Apr, 2020 which US state sued China’s leadership over cronavirus?? ( Missouri)

74.   When oil prices crash and go negative for the first time in US History?? ( 20-Apr,2020)

75.   What is the name of The first satellite of the Islamic Republic of Iran launched in April 2020?? ( Nour)

76.   Abba Kyari, who recently passed away due to Covid-19, was the Chief of Staff of which African country’s President?? ( Nigeria)

77.   The Australian Government recently announced that which animal could be declared as an endangered species?? ( Koala)

78.   Which nation assumed Presidency of United Nations Security Council in April 2020?? ( Dominican Republica)

79.   In wuhan city of China Lockdown lift after how many days ?? ( 76 days)

80.   A person will be called The Occupied Territory on his domicile, if he has resided in Jammu & Kashmir for _______ years? ( 15 years)

81.   On Apr 19,2020, a gunman named Gabriel Wortman killed 16 people in Canada’s worst act of mass murder in 30 years in the province of_________?? ( Nova Scotia)

82.   India has announced new Kashmir Domicile Law on _______________??  ( 1-Apr,2020)

83.   Which US Senator suspended his presidential campaign on 8 April 2020, clearing the way for his rival Joe Biden to secure the Democratic Nomination for US elections.? ( Bernie Sanders)

84.   Which company on 7 April 2020 introduced new policy that limits on message forwarding as part of an effort to curb the spread of misinformation about the corona virus pandemic?? ( Whtsapp)

85.   Recently, Opec + agreed to cut oil output by a record amount, representing around 10% of the global supply.As per the agreement the daily production will cut by___________?? (9.7 million B/D)

86.   Which country became the first to suspend the use of the video-conferencing tool Zoom by teachers on Apr 11,2020?? ( Singapore)

87.   Mahmoud Jibril has died of Coronavirus after spending two weeks in an Egyptian hospital, he was Former Prime Minister of which of the following country?? ( Libya)

88.   Which of following became first city in China to banned the consumption of dog and cat meat?? ( Shenzhen)

89.   The 3rd Asian Youth Games 2021 will be held in __________?? ( China)

90.   From which country the first case of a Tiger tested positive of COVID-19 has been reported?? (USA)

91.   The 2020 Davis Cup will be the___________edition of the Davis Cup, a tournament between national teams in men’s tennis?? ( 109)

92.   In 2022, which city will become the first-ever city that has held both the summer and the winter Olympic Games.? ( Beijing)

93.   Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are planning to launch a charitable organisation named Archewell, the name Archewell is inspired from a Greek word meaning___________?? ( Source of Action)

94.   Australia recently witnessed which disaster that killed many lives and caused huge destruction?? ( Wild fires)

95.   Which among the following is the only nation to report a marginal rise in crude steel output in April 2020?? ( China)

96.   The Molotov Ribbentrop Pact, which is currently being debated in news, was signed by Nazi Germany with which country?? ( Soviet Union)

97.   Abbott Laboratories is unveiled a coronavirus test which will tell if someone is infected within 5 minutes. The lab is in which country?? ( USA)

98.   Which of the following country has cancelled it multilateral air exercise “Exercise Red Flag”?? ( USA)

99.   Which country recommends all the world countries to use Tan Re Qing to treat COVID-19?? ( China)

100.                        Recently, which country princess Maria Teresa become the first to die from COVID-19?? ( Spain)

101.                        NASA has selected a new mission named as _________ to study Gaint Solar Particle Storms?? ( SunRise)

102.                        Tony Lewis, famous for Duckworth-Lewis-Stern method passed away, Duckworth-Lewis-stern method associated with_________?? ( Cricket)

103.                        Who is Current Secretary General of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)?? (Esala Ruwan Weerakoon)

104.                        The speed of hyper-sonic missile is ______ times the speed of sound which is launched by US Navy?? (  5 TIMES)

105.                        who is recently selected as leader of labour party in UK in April 2020?? ( Keir Starmer)

106.                        What is the Pakistan’s rank at the 2019 Global Hunger Index (GHI) out of 117 countries?? (94 now 92 in 2021)

107.                        What is the Pakistan’s rank at the 2019 World Economic Forum(WEF) Global Competitiveness Index?? ( 110 now same )

108.                        Britain’s Prince William and Kate Middleton Are Duke and Duchess of ___________?? ( Cambridge)

109.                        Who is the Current President of International Olympic committee(IOC).?? ( Thomas Bach)

110.                        The fastest women of the world was Florence Griffit of Amrica, The fastest person of the world is ?? ( Usain Bolt)

111.                        Angela Merkel was elected as Chancellor of Germany for the __________ time.?? ( 4th)

112.                        Who among the following has been nominated by the US President Donald Trump for the post of Energy Minister?? (Dan Brouillette)

113.                        In Canada Elections 2019, the Justin Trudeau-led Liberal Party won how many seats?? ( 157)

114.                        On 31st october 2019,The Islamic State militant group has announced the successor to its former leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. who is the successor? (Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qorashi. )

115.                        Which country recently enforced a controversial law that would allow it to cut internet traffic from international servers?? ( Russia)

116.                        Which of the following successfully secured the top position in Global Competitiveness Index 2019 ?? ( Singapore)

117.                        Kurd are large ethnic group Where they live?? ( Iran,Iraq,Syria, Turkey , Armenia)

118.                        Who won Nobel Prize for Economics 2019, for their experimental approach to alleviation global poverty?? (Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, Michael Kremer)

119.                        Which of the following has won the 2019 noble prize winner in physics??( James peebles, Michel Mayor, Didier Queloz)

120.                        The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2019 to_______??(Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, Michael Kremer)

121.                        In which country more than 3,000 women watched a football match in the stadium for the first time in nearly 40 years?? ( Iran)

122.                        Britain and Spain have joined hands with other major powers to suspend military exports to which one country?? ( Turkey)

123.                        Japan’s emperor Naruhito enthroned on ___________??  (22nd October 2019)

124.                        Turkey launched a military operation in ___________ Syria on 8 October 2019 against Kurdish Forces ?? ( Northeast)

125.                        Who has become the first Black Woman to won the 2019 Man Booker Prize for Fiction?? (Bernardine Evaristo )

126.                        US Senator Bernie Sanders has hired a Muslim to manage his presidential campaign in the United States?? ( Faiz Shakira)

127.                        What is the tenure of FATF Presidentship which rotates among member Countries?? ( 01 Year)

128.                        When (FATF) was established by the G-7 Summit that was held in Paris?? ( 1989)

129.                        Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has recently launched the Country’s first semi-heavy missile-equipped submarine, dubbed as _________?? ( Fatah)

130.                        Elise Mertens has won the 2019 Qatar Open Tennis title she belongs to _________?? ( Belgium)

131.                        What is the theme of the 2019 International Mother Language Day?? (Indigenous Languages as a factor in development, peace and reconciliation)

132.                        Which of the following telescopes has recently helped to discover 300000 new galaxies?? ( LOFARA)

133.                        Space Policy Directive-4 sometimes seen in news, is associated with which country?? ( USA)

134.                        which country made the world First Female AI news anchor?? ( China)

135.                        Saudi Arabia has appointed its first Female Ambassador in the history of Kingdom; Princess Rima Bint Bandar in________?? ( USA)

136.                        China unveils world’s first AI female news anchor is ___________??( Xin Xiaomeng)

137.                        Japan to Provide $10.6 million grant for fight against malnutrition to which Country?? ( Pakistan)

138.                        Sixteen US states sued Trump administration over his decision to declare a national emergency to fund a wall on the southern border with country ________________, saying the move violated the constitution.? ( Mexico)

139.                        Major General Zia Ur Rehman of Pakistan has been appointed as Force Commander of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in_________on 21-02-2019.? ( Western Sahara)

140.                        Which Batsman has broken Shahid Afridi record of most sixes in international cricket?? ( Chris Gayle)

141.                        Which of the following country became the 73rd nation to sign the International Solar Alliance?? ( KSA)

142.                        Name the country which is planning to build its first space-based solar power station, orbiting 36,000 kilometres above ground?? ( China)

143.                        Which one was named World Sportsman of the Year in 2019 Laureus World Sports Award?? ( Novak Djokovic)

144.                        Which of the following Country launches push to halve food waste by 2030?? ( Germany)

145.                        It would be wonderful if India and Pakistan get along, says_____________?? ( Donald Trump)

FIA PAPER HELD ON 17/12/2021

1-      The food digest in ? (Small Intestine)

2-      The Synonym of Fanatic ? ( Extremist)

3-      What is the rank of Thar desert in the world? ( 9th largest hot subtropical desert)

4-      Namaz e janaza is ? ( Farz e kifaya)

5-      Synonym of Balmy ? ( Mild/gentle)

6-      Synonym of Platitude ? ( commonplace)

7-      Who born inside Kabba? ( Hazrat Ali RA)

8-      Which Surah of the holy Quran Considered as Preface? ( Surah Fatiha)

9-      TikTok Invented by which country ? ( China in 2016)

10-   Twitter is used for ? ( to connect people and allow people to share their thoughts with a big audience  and launched in 2006)

11-   How many Pilgrimage performed along Prophet PBUH? ( only one in 10 ah)

12-   When did syed Ameer Ali founded all india Muslim league? ( 1908 in london)

13-   How many member were in cabinet mission ? ( 3 members)

14-   When did Pakistan have won cricket champions trophy? (against india 2017)

15-    When  did Pakistan have won t20 world cup?  ( against Srilanka in England 2009)

16-   Which of the following Nabi came as merciful for whole humankind? ( Prophet Muhammad PBUH)

17-   Which of the following tpology has multiple connections? ( BUS topology)

18-   How many Bones are in human beings ? ( 206)

19-   The header and footer is under which tab in MS Office ? ( Insert)

20-   Where is tarbela dam situated ( Swabi, KPK)

21-   What is Basic Vharacteristic of DRAM? ( constantly charging input)

22-   What does DRAM stands for? ( Dyanmic Random Access Memory)

23-   After 1947 which part of Pakistan became separate country? ( east Pakistan, Bangladesh)

24-   Where is Qustuntunia? ( Turkey/ Mosern Istanbul)

25-   Who was the closet companion of Porphet PBUH ?( Hazrat Abu Bakr RA)

26-   What was first Wahi is all about ? ( Knowledge)

27-   What does CAM stands for ( computer aided manufacturing)

28-   How many types of Quranic ayats are there?( 02)

29-    Hazrat Asma RA was the daughter of ?( Hazrat Abu Bakr RA)

30-   How many number of Ashra Mubashra? (  10)

31-   What is the circumference of a circle ? ( 2pi-r)

32-   What does NATO stands for?? ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

33-   What is the name of second kalma? ( Shahadat)

34-   How many types of Hadith? ( Two Types)

35-   When does Tashkent Agreement signed? ( 10 jan 1966)

36-   To put page no option in MS word comes under which tab?( Insert = header footer section)

37-   Synonym of Nefarious? ( Wicked)

38-   Where did Quaid e Azam Started practiced law? ( Bombay)

39-   What is the abbreviation of PSO?( Pakistan state oil)

40-   When did HTTP launched in ?( hypertext transfer protocol in 1991)

41-   Synonym of wrath ? ( anger/outrage)

42-   Mirani dam is in?( Kech district balochistan)

43-   WAPDA stands for ?( water and power development authority)

44-   Namaz e kasoof is offered for?( at the time of solar eclipse)

45-   The Goggle owned which website ? ( youtube)

46-   The facebook owned which of the following apps?( whtsapp and instagram)

47-   Twitter is aunched in which of the following year ?( 2006)

48-   The book idea of Pakistan is written by ? ( Stephen Philip Cohen )

49-   The Web have _____ address?  ( URL  uniform resource locator)

50-   WWW stands for ? ( world wide web)

51-   Synonym of carnal? ( Erotic/lustful)

52-   Which of the following was the 1st  muslim scientist to collect herbs and import it into Persia? ( Abu Musa Jabir Bin ayan)

53-   Which of the following street is famous  fro stock exchange ? ( wall street in new york USA)

54-   What was the mother name of Allama Iqbal ( Imam Bibi)

55-   What is the longitude and latitude of Beijing? ( 39.9042N , 116.4074E)

56-   Which of the following is the most suspended constitution of Pakistan?(  1973)

57-   The Human heart is secured by ?( Ribs)

58-   Syonym of Profound ? ( deep )

59-   Thw word Nuisance is a ?( an abstract noun)

60-   What is the total area of kharan desert?  ( 8958 km2 or 3459sqmi)

61-   ISP stands for? ( internet service provider)

62-   CLI stands for ? ( caller line identification or command line interface)

63-   Which is the time period of 1st generation of computer ? ( 1946-1949)

64-   In the area of 100m which network may use ? ( LAN)

65-   MAN stands for?   ( Metropolitan area network)

66-   LAN stands for ?  ( Local Area network)

67-   Who was the chairman of the partition of the Punjab and Bengal in 1947? ( Cyril red cliffe)

68-   Allama Iqbal was born in ( nov -9-1877)

69-   The second round table conference was held in which of the following year? ( 7 sep, 1931)

70-   In MS word the space left between the margin and  start of a paragraph is called ?  ( identation)

71-   What was the export of Pakistan in cotton crop in the year 2018-2019? ( 400000 480 lb bales)

72-   Which zone remains cold throughout the year ? ( Polar zones)

73-   According to hadith which is superior act?

74-   In computer PROM is an example of? ( Digital memory)

75-   In computer EPROM stands for ? ( eraseable programmable read only memory)

76-   MSB stands for ? ( Most significant bit)

77-   TB stands for ? (Terra byte)

78-   The lucknow pact was signed between Muslim league and? ( congress in dec-1916)

79-   How many landlocked countries are there in the world? ( 44 landlocked countries)

80-   What is the capital of Macedonia?( Skopje)

81-   Synonym of massive? ( Huge)

82-   Synonym of casual? ( Relaxed )

83-   When did Pakistan had won the first SAARC Golf championship against India ?( 2004)

84-   The desert between Sindh and jehlum is ? ( Thal)

85-   Where is national library of Pakistan? (Islamabad)

86-   Who explains human geography of the nations ? ( Carl Ritter)

87-   Pituitary Gland located in ? ( Th brain )

88-   The Nevada waterfalls is located in ? ( California, USA)

89-   Who won the Ghazwa e ahzab? ( Muslims)

90-   OGDCL stands for? ( OIL and gas development company)

91-   What was the old name of sri lanka ? ( Ceylon)

FIA TEST HELD ON 16/12/2021

1-      The normal temperature of human body is ? ( 98.6f/ 37 c)

2-      Which of the following is not included in ashra mubashra?( Hazrat Bilal RA)

3-      How many Number of peaks of mountains in Pakistan are above 8000m? ( 05)

4-      AJK stands for? ( Azad Jammu and Kashmir )

5-      SSI stands for ? ( Small Scale Integration )

6-      Macros Option in Ms word are present in which of the following tab ? ( view)

7-      When Hindi Urdu controversy took place ? ( 1867)

8-      Dhaka formerly called ? ( Jahangir Nagar)

9-      Who discovered the sun spot ?/ ( Galileo)

10-   Synnoym of Inebriated? ( Drunk)

11-   Antonym of Erratic ? ( predictable)

12-   Shortcut  for creating a new document in MS word ? ( Ctrl+ N)

13-   Hardware parts of the computer are also called ?

14-   We should not _____ our friends ?( run through)

15-   The largest man made lake in Pakistan is ? ( Manchar lake)

16-   The largest natural lake in Pakistan is ? ( keenjar lake)

17-   Who is the author of book Kitab ul Athar ? ( Imam Abu Hanifa )

18-   Artificial intelligence is associated with which generation ? ( 5th)

19-   Which strait separates Italy from Cecilia ? ( Strait of Messina)

20-   What is known as brain of the computer ? ( CPU)

21-   The word computer is derived from ? ( Latin word)

22-   In Excel what is the shortcut key of date  entry?

23-    When did India Annexed Kashmir ? ( 27 october, 1947)

24-   Who is the current foreign minister of Pakistan ? ( Qureshi)

25-   CCTV stands for? ( Closed circuit Television)

26-   Which country withdrawn from UN 1965 ? ( Indonesia)

27-   Pakistan neighbor land locked country ? ( Afghanistan)

28-   Which country won 221 medals in common wealth games? ( Australia)

29-   Total length of CPEC is approximately ?( 2442 km )

30-   Synonym of alleviate is ? ( lessen)

31-   When did social media app tiktok founded ? ( 2016)

32-   The old name of Beijing is ? ( peking )

33-   HTV stands for ? ( heavy transport vehicle)

34-    CMOS stands for ? ( complementary metal oxide semi conductor)

35-   When did sudan joined Arab league ? ( 1956)

36-    Christians population percentage in the world is ? ( 31.11%)

37-   NADRA stands for ? ( National database registration authority)

38-   The lake Jackson is in ? ( texas, USA)

39-   The largest lake in the  world is ? ( Caspian Sea)

40-   What is the abbreviation of NAM ? ( Non align Movement)

41-    Which Surah of the Holy Quran has Bismillah Twice ? ( Suran Nimal)

42-   Literal Meaning of Akhirat is? ( Life after here)

43-   Abbreviation of ASI is ? ( Assistant sub Inspector )

44-   How many times Pakistan elected in Human right council since its establishment in 2006? ( 5 )

45-   Who was the second PM of Pakistan ? ( Khawaja Nizam ud din)

46-   Prime minister of Pkaistan during 1953 to 1955 was ? ( Muhammad Ali Bogra)

47-   How many Miles or Km tarbela is away from Islamabad? ( 102km)

48-   What is the shortcut key to put Hyperlink in MS word? ( Ctrl+ k)

49-    How many rivers are in Balochistan ? ( 07)

50-   Khanpur Dam is situated near ? ( Haripur)

51-   The Swat valley became part of Pakistan in ? ( 28 July 1969)

52-   The Skardu is also called? ( little Tibet)

53-   The most precious gemstone Emerald found in which of the following places ? ( Swat)

54-   Saif ul Malook is near ? ( Naran )

55-   The line Known as Durand Line is in between ? ( Pakistan and Afghanistan)

56-   Pakistan forest institution located in? ( Peshawar)

57-   Bala Hisar fort was built by Mughal emperor Babr in ? ( Peshawar)

58-   Saidu Sharif is a lake in ? ( NWFP)

59-   The British empire took Peshawar from ? ( Sikh)

60-   When did Guddu Barrage Was Complete? ( 1932)

61-   How Many articles are present in 1973 constitution? ( 280)

62-   How much land of Pakistan is covered with Mountains? ( 61%)

63-   National Assembly comprises on ? ( 342  seats)

64-    Which function  of computer used in world wide web? ( web browser)

65-   The term VIP stands for ? ( very important person)

66-   PIA stands for ? ( Pakistan International airline)

67-   The highest waterfall is in which of the following country? ( Venezuela)

68-   When did Quaid E Azam presented his 14 Points ? ( March- 1929)

69-   Batavia was the old name of ? ( Jakarta)

70-   HBFC stand for? ( House Building Finance Company)

71-   Sindh was separated from Bombay in ? ( 1936)

72-   How many heads are of zakat metioned in Quran? ( 8)

73-   Abu Al Wafa was from ? ( Iran a mathematician)

74-   How many prophets are mentioned in Holy Quran? ( 25)

75-   Pakistan is Heart of Asia book is written by ? ( Liaqat Ali Khan )

76-    Which of the following crop is known as silver fiber of Pakistan? ( cotton)

77-   Abacuss computer was invented by? Tim cranner)

78-   Where is the biggest hydro electric power station in Pakistan ?( Tarbela)

79-   Shortcut key CTrl+I is used for ? ( italic)

80-   The youngest mountain range are ? ( the Hinalaya)

81-   The ldest mountains are situated in which of the following country ? ( the Urals- IN Russia)

82-   The Muhaddith means ?( Interpreter of Hadith)

83-   Hazrat Ruqayyah Ra Was married to which Khalifa ?? ( Hazrat Usman Ra)

84-   What was the old name of Myanmar?? ( Burma)

85-   How many times  Bismillah comes in the Holy Quran ? (114)

86-   Allam Iqbal Joined The legislative council in ? ( 1926)

87-   How many members are in United Nations? ( 193)

88-   The second belief of Islam is ? ( Belief on Angels)

89-   Which is not a part of internet ? ( DROM)

90-   Service sector contribution in the GDP of Pakistan ? ( 59.6%)

91-   Synonym of Vouchsafe is ? ( Grant)

92-   Synonym of Dwindle is ? ( decrease/reduce)

93-   Aynonym of Necromancy is ? ( Black Magic)

94-   The first Pakistani women who participated in the presidential elections of Pakistan? ( Fatima Jinnah)

95-   The shortcut key ctrl+v is used for? ( paste)

96-   In the power point ctrl+ p is used for ? ( print)

97-   Namaz e Juma is not obligatory for? ( women, travellers and slaves)

98-   In social media verified accounts contains? ( Blue check mark)

99-   HDD stands for? ( hard disk drive)

100-                       What  is the area of sahara desert ? ( 9.2 million km2)

101-                       MBA stands for? ( master of business administration)

102-                       Hazrat Umar RA accepts Islam after inspired from?( Surah Taha)

103-                       Which of the following country is land locked country ? ( Afghanistan)

104-                       Which river is known as mother of river ? ( Mekong river)



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