Pakistan is on the Verge of an Energy Crisis.

             Gas delivery to Europe was hampered by the Russia-Ukraine war, and a further decrease in supplies is likely. Therefore, until next spring, the European Commission suggested strategies to reduce gas demand by 15%. Consumer demands in government agencies, homes, buildings, power suppliers, and companies will be limited to meeting this goal.


I'm curious as to whether Pakistani authorities create these preparations before a crisis occurs there or whether they prefer to wait until a crisis occurs before acting. Pakistan's lack of long-term energy management measures could make the upcoming winter devastating. The Middle Eastern vendors who are our primary source of imports will eventually feel the squeeze from the lack of gas and fuel shipments to Europe. Our policymakers are unaware of the impending calamity. Early actions spread out the work over time, reduce market anxiety and price volatility, and improve the design of tailored, affordable sector protection measures.


 According to research, Pakistan's average gas demand is between 6,500 and 7,000 mmcfd, although its highest gas supply is 4,300 mmcfd. The demand increases to 8,000 mmcfd in the winter. Consequently, there may be a 3,500 mmcfd shortage.


Due to a lack of storage facilities, poor planning, dwindling foreign exchange reserves, and the absence of widespread alternative energy sources, Pakistan already has several problems. Coal, oil, nuclear power, and renewable energy sources are the main energy sources in Europe, but Pakistan lacks all of these resources yet has a population of over 220 million people. While Pakistan Market Share Report says that there is over 7.2% growth in utilization in the local market, Europe is working on a key component of energy savings: the decrease in heating and cooling.


In the absence of a "demand reduction plan," we will experience severe energy shortages. Unfortunately, political parties are engaged in political kabaddi and our state institutions are more interested in playing "election ludo." The old PTI government prioritized political victimization, the blame game, and the deterioration of ethics over securing more affordable gas contracts. The current coalition administration is also experiencing instability and is more focused on retaining its position as a leader and winning reelection. All citizens now find the tense political and economic environment to be concerning. The seriousness of these challenges has, however, gone unnoticed by many in positions of authority.


As usual, our policymakers take a reactionary stance, which precludes them from finding a lasting solution to the problems. It needs to be changed because our state's motto appears to be "it will be dealt with when it will be seen." States cannot be governed daily, thus our policymakers must take a proactive stance.


Neither a strategy for internal nor global concerns exists. The impending energy crisis is just one of the numerous problems that require explanation. Population growth, unemployment, food shortages, inflation, an endless political circus, a solid foreign policy, public diplomacy, or repairing our reputation internationally are additional concerns for which we have no plans.


Unfortunately, neither print nor electronic media has managed to spark any worthwhile debate. Important events have received little coverage on mainstream television, and the general population is still oblivious of all other topics save internal political squabbles. The outcome is in front of us, and genuine problems and real answers are not a concern.


If we don't give our audience a global perspective, they'll keep fighting over their political beliefs while the problem's cause is still present. Energy, food, and security will stay hidden until they vanish and appear in front of us to receive the respect they deserve.


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