The CSS exam is undoubtedly the most difficult in the nation and is widely regarded as such. The majority of the people—the CSS-2023 applicants—to whom I am writing must have been studying for the exam for at least the previous few months. Additionally, I'll be concentrating on the fallacies and false ideas that the CSS preparation academy industry, which is on the rise, has implanted in the brains of CSS aspirants.

        Their purpose behind creating such false notions is to confuse the aspirants to ensure that the candidates join their academy. This not only causes a waste of money and time for the candidates joining these academies but also creates confusion in the minds of many talented candidates, who cannot afford their skyrocketing fee structure. However, the candidates must keep this fact in mind that success in the CSS demands a good individual effort. But their effort must be honest and well-directed.


        To be successful in a competitive exam, a candidate has to put some extra effort to make his/her paper better than others. So, studying good books enables a candidate to be better prepared, and giving the answers with an excellent presentation is equally important for scoring higher marks.


        In this piece of writing, I shall try to discuss some tips to attempt the compulsory papers. It has been observed that most people get fewer marks on compulsory papers. However, with an effective approach, a candidate can get reasonably high marks in these papers.


        My own score in optional subjects was very low as compared to my fellow candidates of higher rankings but a higher score in compulsory papers brought me into the top 10 candidates. Also very often some brilliant candidates miss out on one compulsory paper despite getting very high scores in all other papers. So the compulsory subjects carry key significance in the CSS. I shall discuss these papers one by one.


English Essay


        Essay paper is considered the toughest nut to crack. It is believed that this very first paper decides whether one is going to pass the exam or not. Most of the candidates failed in this paper. A glance at past papers of English essays would reveal that the essay topics on which a candidate is asked to write are generally only one aspect of the issues that the candidate may have prepared.

      If the candidate does not make a distinction between the issue and the specific aspect(s) of that issue being asked in the paper, he is likely to annoy the examiner. Here it proves my point when I criticize the commercial aspects of so-called ‘precious notes’ and essays as the candidates cram these answers and write them as such in the paper.

    For instance, one very hot issue of the past three-four years is the ‘War on Terror or Terrorism’. Let us have a look at the last two years’ papers:


2009 – Pakistan’s war on Terror and its impacts on our national psyche and politico socio-economic fronts.

2010 – Dialogue is the best course to combat terrorism.


        In both these papers, only one aspect of the issue is asked and any generalized answer would not, therefore, accrue any merit. This was the reason why most people attempted these essays and failed. The very outline of these essays would be enough to depict whether a candidate has attempted it correctly. What, then, would be the proper outline for an essay? Let us try and solve the 2009 essay.


• Pakistan’s War on Terror and its impacts on our national psyche and politico-socio-economic fronts - analysis of this statement reveal that the examiner has asked us to write on these issues:


1. Pakistan’s War on Terror (The word ‘Pakistan’s is key here)

2. Its impacts on the national psyche

3. Impacts on the political front

4. Impacts on the social front

5. Impacts on the economic front


Now make an outline.

v  Introduction

         Pakistan’s War on Terror

v  A brief overview of this war.

v  Is this really Pakistan’s war?

v  Are we friends or foes of our allies?

v  ‘Drones’ and ‘Do more.

         Impacts on National Psyche

v  Demoralisation and pessimism

v  Depression and freight reactions

v  Desensitisation and disinhibition

         Impacts on Political Front

v  Division of politicians over the ownership of the war

v  A halt to political activities in the country

v  Militarisation of radical groups

v  Alienation of nationalist leadership

v  Leadership cut away from people

         Impact on Social Front

v  Widening gulf between radicals and liberals

v  Society is least integrated

v  Social sector development being ignored

v  Public lifestyle is threatened

         Impacts on Economic Front

v  Shattering blow to the booming economy

v  Dried up foreign direct investment

v  Soaring security expenditures

v  Halt to industrial progress and unemployment


v  War on the military front – improving defense capabilities

v  War on the social front – a more vibrant civil society

v  War on the psychological front – demands a concerted response

v  War on the economic front – a challenge for the government

v  War on the political front – demands political maturity

v  War on the international front – improving our tarnished national image and protecting our sovereignty


        If the candidate does not make a distinction between the issue and the specific aspect(s) of that issue being asked in the paper, he is likely to annoy the examiner.



        Another important aspect is the length of the essay. In my view, it is quality and not quantity that matters. Examiner usually sets a limit of 2500-3500 words limits to trap the candidates. But it would not bother him much if you put up a good effort that falls short of the word limit.

My essay contained around 1700 words and with this quantity and the above-mentioned fairly simple outline, I got 72 in the essay. So surely the length of the essay does not matter much.


Tips for Essay


1. Carefully read all essay tips and select those issues which you have prepared the best.

2. Now select that essay which you can best attempt considering thoughtfully the aspect which is asked.

3. Now turn your sheet and cross-page No. 25 – the last page – and start doing your rough work on that page.

4. Thoroughly explore your mind and bring out all relevant points of that issue on paper.

5. Now pick those points which are most suitable for your outline.

6. Make a logical outline depending solely upon the statement or topic of the essay set by the examiner.

7. Reconsider each point for its relevancy and order in the outline.

8. Review your points and see if the used words can be replaced with more catchy or striking words. Remember, the outline is like a cover of your essay which clearly depicts what is wrapped inside. So give it due consideration and time before starting your essay.

9. On rough pages, write an introduction for the essay. Articulate it with the best words possible.

10. Now reconsider your outline and introduction and assess whether it fulfills the demands of the given essay. Only if you are satisfied with that rough draft to proceed with the essay, otherwise reject it and attempt your second best essay on a similar pattern. This is important because you would not get a second chance before one year if you fail in this paper.

This exercise would certainly take time but do not panic even if it takes 40-45 minutes because you have done all the hard work. All you have to do is to write that outline and introduction neatly on your answer sheet and then proceed with the essay following the outline that you have already prepared.

As far as important topics for essays for this year are concerned, it is usually safe to attempt an essay on current issues as you have ample knowledge base for these issues. I can mention a few topics but please do not limit yourself to these and use them as a guideline only.


1. Governance and the crises in Pakistan

2. Role of media: freedom versus responsibilities

3. Extremism/Terrorism in Pakistan

4. Global warming

5. Problems of education in Pakistan

6. Status and rights of minorities

7. Corruption in society and politics

8. Women's status and rights

9. Democracy in Pakistan


English Precis and Composition


You can divide this paper into two segments:

• Segment – I: 65 marks

Precis – 25 marks

Comprehension – 20 marks

Expansion – 20 marks


• Segment – II: 35 marks

Change of narration – 5 marks

Correction of sentences – 5 marks

Idioms – 5 marks

Pair of words – 10 marks

Antonyms/Synonyms – 10 marks


(The examiner may, however, ask other segments like a change of voice as well)

Segment – II is mathematical as your correct answer would accrue full marks. Here it becomes key for success as if you manage to score 30 in this segment your chances of clearing this paper to become high. For this purpose practice, this segment from the past papers, and please do not cram sentences written in common guide books available on market.


Segment – I am significant as it is a test of your command over the language. However, this fact should be kept in mind that this is an examination for the CSS and not a paper in English Literature. So you should be very clear about what is required of you. You have to demonstrate your skills of comprehending a piece of writing and communicating in writing in a precise and effective manner.


Practice is key in this segment. You have sufficient time available. Try to solve all 40 past papers' questions of précis and comprehension passages. Try to make it your habit as time management is very important in this paper. The précis passage mostly consumes around one hour. Practice can help you serve time in other parts.  As far as important topics for essays for this year are concerned, it is usually safe to attempt an essay on current issues as you have ample knowledge base for these issues.


Everyday Science


I thought, after going through just the last five years' papers, this paper is a piece of cake and I would easily score 90-95 marks in it. So, I did not prepare well and the paper was a nightmare. So forget about your background in science and prepare schematically for this paper. Everyday Science paper is unique to all papers in the sense that it awards 5-95 marks to the candidates. You would find DMCs of allocated candidates who obtained 30-40 marks in this paper. An extra in this paper may prove a key factor in determining your final standing on the merit list.

Attempting this paper is the skill of which selection of questions is very important. Generally,


Everyday Science paper consists of:

Objective Portion

• 50 MCQs (attempt them in the order of surety; should be; exclusion formula; and logical guessing)

Subjective Portion

• Two questions usually consist of parts carrying one mark each

• Two-three questions comprise five parts each carrying two marks

• Two questions comprising two parts each of five marks

• One question usually carries 10 marks

In the objective portion, there is no choice so you have to attempt all. From the subjective portion, prefer those questions which carry one mark because the chances of getting the full 10 marks in that question are more. Similarly, the second preference should be two marks questions and lengthy questions should be avoided.


One mark questions are usually of scientific units and abbreviations and reasoning. These questions are fairly simple and very often repeated. If you go through the past 10 years' papers, you would find many such examples.


In science papers, diagrams carry nearly half the marks of each question. So, practice drawing them as much as possible and try to draw neat diagrams with proper labeling on paper.

Do consult the past papers as the books on Everyday Science in the CSS market are too voluminous. They carry a lot of unnecessary material and therefore, confuse the candidates.

One mark questions are usually of scientific units and abbreviations and reasoning. These questions are fairly simple and very often repeated. If you go through the past 10 years' papers, you would find many such examples.


Current Affairs


Scoring high marks in this paper demand that the candidate must be well prepared to have up-to-date knowledge of all current topics. To ensure better preparation, candidates may divide this paper into the following segments:

1. Foreign Policy: Foreign Policy and Pakistan’s relations with China, India, Iran, Afghanistan, US, Russia, and Muslim countries.

2. International organizations: UN, OIC, NAM, SAARC, ECO, SCO, EU, ASEAN

3. International issues

4. Domestic issues

In this paper, candidates should try to write to the point answers in a precise manner. Drawing a map is a requirement for most of the questions in this paper. A candidate should practice four maps in this regard.

Pakistan’s map

Central Asia’s map

South Asia’s map

World map

Maps printed at the back of diaries can be used for practice.

For this year’s paper, organizations and foreign relations should be thoroughly covered. It has been a trend in foreign relations questions that the examiner asks about the impacts of two countries' relations with Pakistan. So this aspect must be kept in mind. On the international stage, Wikileaks and global warming have gathered a lot of attention.

Moreover, the visits of President Obama to India, etc. and the Chinese Prime Minister to Pakistan and India should be thoroughly covered. Chromic issues like Afghanistan, Palestine, Kashmir, and Iran are also important.

Domestic issues include

Disaster management and floods

Crises (energy and sugar)

Bad governance

Corruption and NRO

Problems and suggestions for industry, agriculture, exports, and tourism

Role of media

Democracy in Pakistan

The natural and human resource potential of Pakistan

Problems in the education and health sector


Pakistan Affairs


This paper generally gives low marks but some candidates do score 65 plus marks every year. So it is a challenge for every candidate to score higher in this paper.

This paper may also be divided, for schematic preparation, into the following segments:

Historical perspective: one – two questions

Pakistan Movement: one – two questions

Pakistan 1947 – Present: three-four questions

This paper demands a critical approach to every attempted question. Moreover, suitable quotations from good sources may be given to support the argument. For this purpose, select two-three good books and read them thoroughly. The candidates may even pick analytical arguments from these books and use them on paper.

The candidates should focus, apart from other topics mentioned in the syllabus, on these topics as well:

Muslim Society in the Subcontinent

Ideology of Pakistan

Reform movements; Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi (RA)

Sir Syed Ahmad and Aligarh

Comparison of Deoband and Nadwa

Pakistan Resolution

Constitution–making in Pakistan

Geostrategic significance and natural resources in Pakistan

Agriculture and exports of Pakistan

Problems of health and education

Scoring high marks in current affairs demand that the candidate must be well prepared to have up-to-date knowledge of all current topics.




Last year’s result surprised many as most of the failed candidates were a victim of this paper. Purely for the sake of paper, set aside your confidence in your command over your faith and seize this opportunity to study Islam in detail. The failure of so many candidates does not mean that their faith is incomplete, rather they fail to understand the essence of the questions. There are also many false notions and myths about this paper that the candidates must give moderate views in the paper or otherwise prepare to be failed. These notions are false and absurd. There is no room for confusion in Islam so give your clear-cut view but do not forget to prove it with effective argumentation and examples.


Pakistan Affair paper demands a critical approach in every attempted question. Moreover, suitable quotations from good sources may be given to support the argument. Moreover, try to understand contemporary problems from an Islamic point of view. One more confusion about this paper is about attempting it in Urdu or English. This is no issue as the main purpose is to check your knowledge. English or Urdu does not carry any marks of their own, but your argumentation and presentation do. So choose the language in which you can best attempt the paper. One more confusion is about the number of Ayats and Hadith references one has to quote. It purely depends on the question. If you remember any relevant references you should write preferably with another pen and some extra margin left on the sides.


But even if you do not quote any references, this would not mean a big difference if you answer the question effectively. Many candidates, including the writer, could not quote a single reference in the Islamiyat paper last year (2009) and still scored 70 percent marks in it.

Similarly, the use of headings is purely defined by the question asked. If you have any suitable heads for your arguments, use them with markers in bold style. But if questions demand critical analysis, you might not need more than a few.

Islamiyat paper may also be divided into segments:

Islamic concepts and practices


Contemporary problems faced by Muslims

The candidates should focus on both segments. Some topics for guidelines may be:

The Islamic concept of Universe and Humanity

Problems of life and Islamic solution

Beliefs on Risalate and Akhirat – Blasphemy question

Social and moral codes in Islam vs Western Ethics

Islamic political system in comparison with modern democracy

Women's rights in Islam and legislation against the veil in the West

Political and economic instability in Muslim World

Sectarian violence and terrorism in Pakistan

Sources of Shariah; Ijtihad


In the end, I would like to remind the candidates that this is just an exam for a job. Success or failure in it would not mean an end to life. Just keep faith in your abilities and try to give it your best.

Leave the rest to Almighty God as He is the most Merciful. But make sure that you present Almighty God your honest effort. I wish every one of you reading this the very best of luck in all future endeavors in life. May Allah bless you all.



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